Deutsche Kinemathek Museum für Film und Fernsehen Berlin mit Unterstützung von film.kunst, Kino Arsenal, Goethe-Institut Singapore | 13. Sep – 02. Dez 2007

The exhibition began for visitors as soon as they entered the lift, which conveyed them Through the high, glazed foyer past a long banner showing photographs from the films as though on an oversized strip of celluloid. It showed works from Ottinger´s earliest period onwards: photographs, costumes, scripts and sketchbooks presented in near chronological order and in numerous rooms. The first was dedicated to works relating to Ottinger's Berlin trilogy: a completely white room with a "pyramid of hats" at its centre, an ensemble of hats and props from almost all of the films. Having passed under the illuminated letters of Freak City in a green corridor, visitors arrived at a red room with photographs relating to the film China. The Arts - The People, then a saffron yellow Mongolian room with assemblages of costumes and photos created in the context of the films Johanna d´Arc of Mongolia and Taiga. " A feast for the eyes - but alos eloquent witness to Ulrike Ottinger´s ability to combine her visual treasure-hunting with thoroughgoing ethnographic and art historical studies."

(Annette Deeken. "Wie die Farbe des Himmels nach dem Regen. Die poetischen Bildwelten der Ulrike Ottinger" in film.kunst: Ulrike Ottinger, ed. by Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen, Bönen: Druckverlag Kettler 2007, S.25)

Curator: Kristina Jaspers


-> Catalogue to the exhibition

