"Welcome to the revolutionary cosmos of Ulrike Ottinger! To celebrate the 80th birthday of this cinematic pioneer, multi-talented artist, and world traveler, we will present a complete retrospective of all her films and show you something you've never seen before. With her equal parts auteurist and avant-garde cinema, Ottinger is a filmmaker who refuses to conform to the mainstream (both Hollywood and the average art house film). Her films follow two tendencies: We can differentiate between an artifice-heavy and eccentric body of work strongly invested in fiction and an ethnographic, documentary body of work based around photography and editing. Both convey a subtle sense for fairy tales and magic, for the manufactured quality of everyday life, and its enchantments. Ottinger's films are very alluring, hers is a cinema of attractions full of astonishment and visual curiosity. (...)
→ Link to the film retrospective
Note: After the screening of Die Betörung der blauen Matrosen (1975) on May 27, 2022, Ulrike Ottinger will speak with Katharina Müller, curator of the retrospective, about her multi-layered and revolutionary oeuvre during a kick-off talk, thus also offering a personal preview of the program of the Film Museum's retrospective.
Duration of the film retrospective: May 26 to June 30, 2022
From 26 to 30 May in the presence of Ulrike Ottinger