Parallelwelt Zirkus
As a parallel world, the circus has found its role as a projection surface, above all in the different genres of the arts - for example in film, literature and the visual arts. Fascinated by the circus, its forms and its practice, Peter Blake creates his personal menagerie of acrobats and circus mythical creatures. Federico Fellini focuses on the circus in numerous films and Charlie Chaplin's figure of the tramp transcends the norms and limits of social life. In Ulrike Ottinger's works, the circus is a metaphor for a utopian perspective in which the circus appears as a gentle twin of the revolution. – Press release
Participating artists:
Diane Arbus, Matthew Barney, Julien Bismuth, Rhona Bitner, Peter Blake, Olaf Breuning, Bernhard Buhmann, Alexander Calder / Carlos Vilardebo, Charlie Chaplin, Clifton Childree, Charles & Ray Eames, Federico Fellini, Daniel Firman, Thilo Frank, Jeppe Hein, Roni Horn, Anna Jermolaewa, Anna Kolodziejska, Tomasz Kowalski, Patricia Leite, Zilla Jungsegger, Ulrike Lienbacher, Jonathan Monk, Bruce Nauman, Ulrike Ottinger, Marion Peck, Ugo Rondinone, Julian Rosefeldt, Joe Scanlan, Elisabeth Schmirl, Deborah Sengl, Cindy Sherman, Simmons & Burke, Kristian Sverdrup, Javier Téllez, Joe Wagner, Martin Walde, William Wegman, Nives Widauer, Erwin Wurm, Rona Yefman
Curators: Gerald Matt, Verena Konrad