Photographs 1970-2005

Witte de With Museum, Rotterdam: 23 January – 21 March 2004

Solo exhibition for the publication of Bildarchive at the Witte de With Centre of Contemporary Art in Rotterdam

Curator: Catherine David

In the retrospective Bildarchive Ulrike Ottinger´s work in the areas of photography, film and stage were presented together in one exhibition, thus translating every aspect of her creative activity into one spatial setting. The sequentially constructed presentation of the work was articulated with wall texts according to projects and materials. This gave the exhibition the character of an archive of Ottinger´s archives. Her workbooks were laid out in long display cases. The script from the Diamond Dance film project was spread out and mounted on the wall. It was supplemented with facsimile editions for perusal. The curator Catherina David writes that the exhibition invited the viewer to take part in "an accompanied stroll" which would clarify the complex relationships within Ottinger´s work: "A long, beautiful voyage, at once grave and enchanted, which from nearest to furthest, from the urban landscapes of Berlin to the steppes of Mongolia, from yesterday´s tales to today´s decors, has nothing exotic or egotist about it. Rather it involves a concern for the other and an "aesthetics of diversity worthy from another age".

*Catherine David, »Einführung«, in: Ulrike Ottinger. Bildarchive. Fotografien 1970–2005 hg. von / ed. by) Ursula Blickle Stiftung, Kunsthalle Wien und Nürnberg: Verlag für moderne Kunst 2005. S. 10

Fotografien, Arbeits-, Dreh-, und Regiebücher zu allen Ausstellungs-, Film- und Theaterprojekten 1977-2003; Filme integriert in Rauminstallation: Südostpassage (2000). Superbia – Der Stolz (1986). Usinimage (1987); Fotografien aus dem Kontext des Bühnenstücks; Das Verlobungsfest im Feenreich (1999); Der Schrei (1976);
Telefon (1979) et al., Fotonovelas; Fotoserie mit Tabea Blumenschein: Verzerrungsstudien mit Magdalena Montezuma (1980); Freak Orlando – Bilderpartitur (1981); Bildarchive (2004), Dia-Installation

Weitere Stationen: Espai d'Art Contemporary Castelló, Castellón (2005) und Museo del Pasión, Valladolid (2005)



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