Still Moving  

Germany 2009, 29 min, color and b/w

In a place far away and close by things live on by virtue of memory and the meanings bestowed upon them by human beings.

My archive of objects is equal to the no less real archive of my memory. They animate each other and bring forth ever new and unexpected images and ideas. It is as if one were watching, as it takes shape, the play of thinking with its infinite interconnections.

Objects used:
From my father’s Africanist collection and my own magic chamber;
my photographs of the 1970s;
and a rediscovered fragment of a Super-8 film of Lil Picard’s birthday party at the gallery Werner Kunze, ca. 1974.

Cast & Crew

Excerpts of theatre play: Das Verlobungsfest im Feenreiche by Johann Nestroy

direction and stage design 

Ulrike Ottinger 

mask dancers

Boris Raev
Katharina Sykora


Gisela Storch-Pestalozza
Fee Masakatsu Hanayagi
Genius Takanojo Senda
Steirischer Herbst, Graz 1999


super-8 film fragment: Lil Picards birthday party at the Werner Kunze gallery ca. 1974

directed and filmed by

Ulrike Ottinger

allround assistance

Stefan Gohlke, Gisela Storch-Pestalozza


Bettina Blickwede

sound mix

Theo Schulte

colour grading

Stefan Engelkamp

post production studio

Concept AV

production assistance

Brigitte Schmidt
Natalie Lettenewitsch

special thanks

Stefan Engelkamp
Christine Frisinghelli
Boris Raev
Gisela Storch-Pestalozza
Katharina Sykora
Arno Wilms

Appearing objects from my father‘s African collection and from my Cabinet of Wonder

Commissioned by Arsenal Institut für Film und Videokunst e.V. for „LIVE FILM! JACK SMITH! Five Flaming Days in a Rented World“ Berlin 2009
Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds
Premiere zur Eröffnung von „LIVE FILM! JACK SMITH! Five Flaming Days in a Rented World“ am 28.10.2009, 20.30 Uhr im Kino Arsenal, Berlin

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